
Camembert and Brie

Washed Curd Stabilized Paste Bloomy Rind- Camembert & Brie


This recipe will make a cheese that is milder and will not ripen as fast as the traditional style.

For explicit directions for Camembert and Blue Cheese making at home; order our booklet with detailed step by step directions and tips:

'Getting Started Making Camembert & Blue Cheese at Home'



Inoculation Temperature: 84-86F (28.8-30c)


theMilkman™Camembert  Culture & Mold Starter

  • contains Mesophilic Starter Culture, Penicillium Candidum and Geotrichum Candidum
  • use 1/4 tsp for 2 gallons milk

Ingredients & Supplies (in addition to starter culture above)

Procedure: warm milk to 86F (use double boiler to avoid over heating)

  1. Sprinkle theMilkman™ Starter Culture onto your warmed milk. Allow to dissolve on surface, then gently stir for 3 minutes (top stirring as well).

  2. Ripen 90 minutes maintaining 84-86f

  3. Add liquid calcium chloride (if using pasteurized milk).

  4. Wait 5 minutes then add rennet. Wait for clean break (approximately 45-60  minutes).

  5. Cut curds into ½ in.(1cm) cubes. Let rest (heal for 10 minutes). Maintain 84-86f.

  6. Gently stir curds for 10 minutes to keep curds floating and not matting.

  7. Remove 25-30% of whey and replace with same amount of water at 90F (32.2c). Hold for 10 minutes then stir for 30 seconds and hold again 20-30 minutes without stirring.

  8. Drain whey off to level of curds.

  9. Ladle into moulds.

  10. Turn moulds three times in five hours. Room should be approximately 75F (23.8c). Continue draining for 12 hours. pH should be 5.1-5.0.

  11. After the cheeses are well drained and no longer weeping whey, lightly sprinkle non-iodized coarse salt over cheeses. Set aside to age in your clean refrigerator or aging room. Keep in aging container to maintain humidity.

  12. Age at 38-46F (3.3-7.7c). Turn over daily and wrap when mold growth is fully covering the cheese.

  13. Continue to age in refrigerator at 38-46F.

  14. Enjoy!



