Where extra moisture makes for a soft, creamy cheese, less moisture results in the robust, hard cheeses true cheese connoisseurs know and love. If a gorgeous gouda is what you have in mind, a cheese press is a must. Cheese presses squeeze extra liquid form unripened cheese and help curds mesh into a harder texture. At The Cheesemaker, we have a diverse selection of cheese molds and presses - from wood to stainless steel - and accessories like molds to help you ensure your cheese has the perfect finish.
Cheese Press and Cheese Mold Types
When shopping cheese presses or looking to buy homemade cheese supplies and moulds, it's important to know how each component works. Cheese moulds are typically round, open-ended containers or frames used to to form curds and give finished cheese its distinct shape.
Cheese presses, on the other hand, work by putting pressure on unfinished cheese to help it mature into a more compact, dryer form. The key component of a cheese press is the hoop/mould and follower, a disc or lid that presses down on curds to remove whey and 'close the knit'.
Two easy to use types of cheese presses are:
- Dutch cheese presses - uses a lever with weight to apply pressure onto the cheese to 'close the knit'.
- Spring loaded presses - a heavy duty spring is used to apply pressure onto the cheese to 'close the knit'.
We offer the spring loaded presses with either stainless steel hoops or plastic hoops. Both work the same and will work the same. Stainless steel is a fine looking press and great for those who do not want to use plastic touching the cheese. Though the plastic used is a water grade PVC, suitable for using for cheese making. All of these press types are easy to use and easy to clean up.