Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ

Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ

Posted by The CheeseMaker on 20th Sep 2018

One of the ingredients you need to make cheese is rennet. It is important that you understand how this work and how to use it properly. If you make a mistake when you use it, you could mess up your batch of cheese. Becoming familiar with the ingredients you will be using will help make you a better cheese maker in the long run.

What Is Rennet?

Rennet is an enzyme and one of the most important cheese making ingredients. It helps separate the milk curds from the whey and enables curds to thicken. It needs to reach a temperature of 85 to 105 degrees F to begin working. It is essential that you maintain this temperature because if it reaches 140 degrees, it will be deactivated. Knowing the proper temperature is essential to ensuring you do not let the process go on for too long and ruin your cheese's flavor.

Are There Different Types of Rennet?

There are a few different types of rennet: liquid rennet, paste, tablet and powder. Liquid and paste are easier to work with and can be better measured, but tablets and powder can be stored for longer and work better in warmer climates. Most is animal-based, but you can get vegetable based for vegan cheeses.

How Do I Store It?

Liquid can be put in fill bottles and stored in the fridge. Powder can be stored in the freezer. Follow the instructions on the package for how long to store. Make sure to pay attention to best by dates, and throw out old product. The package may also give storing suggestions beyond this general advice.

It is a good idea to buy quality rennet and other supplies and ingredients you need for cheese making. Find a reputable supplier from which to buy your supplies. Make sure you have everything you need today by visiting a cheese making supply retailer.